If you’re paying “all cash” make sure the funds are liquid. Talk with your accountant for tax advice. Finding out how much you can afford is key. It gives you a guideline to begin your exciting search for that new home. Nothing is more disappointing than falling in love with a home that is only out of your price range, or finding out you can’t get your funds fast enough to be competitive.
Beverly’s experience and know-how in the San Francisco real estate market can help you answer any of the questions or concerns that you may have. Call or email Beverly directly and share with her your needs, you’d be surprised on how fast she’ll get back with you.
As a team, you and Beverly will start viewing property that meets your needs. Beverly and her team will connect with other Top San Francisco Realtors through Top Agent Network, to find “off-market” opportunities. This exclusive access to off market properties alone gives you more options.
When you have found the perfect home, Beverly will guide you step by step to writing and negotiating a strategic offer that puts YOU in the winning position.
Once your offer is accepted, Beverly and her team will do all of the legwork toward a smooth and successful close: scheduling inspections, setting up escrow, negotiating, etc. Before you know it, you are on your way to being the new and proud owners of a wonderful home in San Francisco!
Sometimes it’s best to write your responses down.
Final Tidbit: Buy your San Francisco home when you’re ready – when it’s the “right time” for you and your needs. Having a San Francisco real estate expert assist you along the way is key. You’ll know when you’ve found “the right” home. Beverly will help you make it yours!
“Beverly is simply fantastic. I was getting ready to buy my first house, a scary prospect in San Francisco, and Beverly helped me through the process with so much tact, knowledge, and care that it took all the sting out of it. She didn’t pressure me; she wanted me to find the right house, and I trusted her opinion every step of the way. I will absolutely hire her again!”
~ Pat D.
Beverly prides herself in making each client feel as if they’re her only client. She is supported by a full-time associate, transaction coordinator, and an incredible marketing team, leaving no part of her business unaccounted for.